
Henry Submitted this review about Auto Freight Carriers LLC
Review made Live: 8/22/2024 3:28:00 PM
I was initially a bit confused, worried because this was my first time shipping a car. I was lucky enough to have Simon's enthusiastic help. He provided the necessary documents such as the company, truck insurance, driver information, and so on. After agreeing to the price, Simon told me that a truck would be crossing my state of Alabama the next day. Perhaps there are a few additional individuals who could get in touch with me to verify that they will be picking up my car for the appointment tomorrow. At first, I was a bit panicked because I called than line may busy no answers, than 2 more new people called me omg, I want to quit. But the driver tried to convince me. Finally, that evening, the driver arrived exactly the truck picture Simon sent me, and the driver's name was correct. I talk and ask the driver, he said: “don’t worries, I’m in this career about 10 years already, I have responsible for your car, and saw that he was also transporting 6-8 other cars, name of the comany, driver lisence, lisece plate ect. Finally, I felt secure handing over the car to the designated driver, and you don't need to pay a dime in advance. The agreement stated that payment would be made once you receive the car at destination, California. The driver predicted that it would take 4-5 days for the car to arrive in California, but within three days, the car arrived at ear my brother's house in California. After inspecting the car, my brother drove it home. Receiving the car today has made me very happy. I sense that a burden has been lifted. I am grateful to you, Simon, for aiding me in sending the car to my daughter who is studying in California. May God bless you Simon, the Driver and the entire Auto Freight Carrier company earn more trust and success.