Submitted this review about Auto Cars Transportation Review made Live: 2/20/2012 7:57:00 PM
Im not here to lie. Im just someone like is looking to have a transportation services. When i was looking to find a company to transport my car i googled it i just type "Auto Cars Transport" I didnt know that there were a company named like that.. So i clicked on their website, request the quote and i paid the same day.
I called then probably about February 10th they told me that i was going to receive a call soon whenever the got a driver for me.. so i was waiting they charged me and everything but i cancel the transaction with the bank.. Reason? "The havent provide the service that i requested"
Then i was looking for another company on Texas, " where i live" cause i thought that i would it be the best way if i see the store and bla bla bla so i found a company called " ATLAS CAR TRANSPORT " They took 200$ out of my pocket, they lied me and everything.. They didnt wanna give me my deposit back so i have to issued them to get my money back! :D
So i n short words ..
Auto Car Transport February 10th - Friday = Place the order February 14 - Tuesday = They call to let me know that my car was going to pick up on Friday February 17 - Friday = They picked up my car February 19 - Sunday = Got my car with me! :D
I have a good experience with them and i not saying that i recommend them but im just saying what happened to me and the service that they provided!
1 - 10 = 9
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