Very Happy !!

Abigail Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 7/31/2024 11:39:00 AM
I found out about Angel's Moving Autos through my aunt, who has used them before when arranging car shipments for her boss. Though I had her recommendation, I was still skeptical because I know they are a broker and was concerned about all the negative reviews I had read about brokers. I was concerned about damage, super late arrivals, theft, etc. I can safely say, Angel's did a fantastic job setting me up with a legit carrier. My car was shipped from NJ to Seattle in 9 days. Make sure to open the pickup window as far in advance as possible. They can't guarantee delivery dates, but the earlier you open the pickup window, the sooner they'll get it to you. They picked up my car the literal day I called - awesome, but be flexible. Now, the only reason I took a star off is because they aren't super commuicative throughout the process. I only called once because I put an airtag in my car, but if you don't track your car, I could see how it could be a little stressful. But honestly, if you don't put an airtag in, I feel like that's more a you problem. I was not stressed at all and my car arrived nice and early and without any damage and everything was in tact. I was even able to pay using Zelle, which may not always be the case, but made it super seamless. They even got the car right onto my street in a city, again, this may not always be the case. If you go in with realistic expectations as to what the car shipping process entails and do your part, you'll have a great experience. I also used open carry for the record. The cost was $1750, which was much cheaper and easier on my car than roadtripping would have been. Also, the representative I dealt with, Eddie, was very nice and helpful. Thanks Angel's! I'll be using you again!