Why Mr. Larry Pishko?

Angeles Stamm Submitted this review about American Dream Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/25/2007 3:25:00 PM

Like the last entry, Mr. Pishko has stolen money from me.
Last September Mr. Larry Pishko was more than happy to help me transport a motorcycle until he got my deposit of $150. When he couldn't find a carrier on time, the seller of the motorcycle got tired of waiting and canceled the transaction. When I told Mr. Larry Pishko, he was very sympathetic and I was told I would receive my money back right away. Nine months later, and I still haven't seen this first $150 or had heard from Mr. Pishko ever again eventhough I tried to contact him several times.
It gets worse. On May 30th of 2007 my checking account was charged with ANOTHER $150. When Mr. Pishko was made aware of this, his response was:"Must have been an oversite on our part. I have refunded your monies and you should receive it by tues the 10th or wed the 11th due to the weekend. It usually takes 2 to 3 days to return. I apologize for the error."
Well, it is June 25th and the money is not back in my account.
My recommendation for this company is:
Why are you doing this, Mr. Larry Pishko? People like you make it real hard to trust anybody nowadays.