Once this company gets your money you will never hear from them again. They do not answer the customer service line. It has an answering machine on it. They do not return calls at all...ever...period. I literally had to report my Bentley stolen to get any information on its whereabouts three days after it was supposed to have been in my garage. Even then they did not call me. The detective investigating my complaint obtained the contact information of the trucking company that was actually transporting my vehicle. American Auto Transport DOES NOT own any transport trucks. They only hold a Federal Broker's License. They are not licensed to actually transport your vehicle across the street! I gave up trying to get any satisfaction from them. By the way, the $50.00 rebate that they tell you about is only payable AFTER you leave positive feedback on this website. Positive reviews are bought and paid for by American Auto Transport! After this review was originally posted, they tried to have my negative review removed by telling TransportReview.com that they had no idea who I was. I had to fax copies of the credit card statement reflecting their charge and the contract that they emailed me in order to have my review reinstated. Be VERY careful when dealing with this company. They employ deceptive business practices.
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