everything started off great, but then my card declined. We were buying a new company car and needed to use company funds, so i told jennifer on sunday that i would call her when the card is fixed. I instead get a call from the guy that sold me the car saying that it was just picked up. being that my card wasnt fixed yet or have any money on it...i asked jennifer how the $150 was to be handled...she said that it needs to be taken care of asap. i asked her why they sent the truck when i asked them to hold off...she said we went ahead with the order anyways and now we need payment. I then get upwards of 30 calls over the next two days after i already explained the situation and then a threatening email telling me that they are going to store the truck till they get payment. I then speak to thomas who couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag....doesnt have a clue what i am getting at in any of my emails and keeps pushing the blame on me. telling me that i didnt follow the cancelation policy, when i wasnt even trying to cancel. i shouldve flown down and picked up the car. it wouldve been less of a head ache.
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