Worked out, but stressful and costly

Allison Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 7/3/2010 3:35:00 PM
I believe AmeriFreight's
pricing is done as a come-on. I was told that most cars ship within a
week of choosing the economy price, but the reality was that I gave it
longer, and even with the money added by AmeriFreight, my car did not
ship. It did not ship until I upgraded significantly. In the end,
the final price paid was SIGNIFICANTLY more than anything else quoted
by other companies. I think the economy rate is only there to get
customers to buy in. While I was offered the option of walking, I did
not have the time to search for a new company in the middle of my
move. I was counting on AmeriFreight at that point.

I was also dissatisfied with the fact that I was given <24 hrs notice
of pick-up. I was called when the driver was ~3 miles away. I had to
drop everything in the middle of a busy work day to try to track down
my neighbor by phone to meet the driver. My neighbor wasn't even
home. He had to come home to meet the driver. The driver was also
shady in trying to get my neighbor to give him more than the valet
key. He tried telling my neighbor he could not drive the car with
just the valet key. I have a very hard time believing an auto shipper
does not know how to use a valet key.

The driver was nice enough to wait hours for me to get home, but that
only happened because he arrived a full day earlier than he had told
me he would be arriving. I adjusted my traveling work schedule around
his 24 hr notice, and then he arrived a full 18 hrs early and I wasn't
in town. I also rescheduled all of my appointments for the day he
told me he would arrive, only to have him there a day early.

I also thought it was unreasonable how the driver filled out the Bill
of Laden. He marked it up so much that my car looked like a
demolition derby car on paper, and there was no way I could argue
anything. I do believe it arrived with more knicks than it left with,
but there was no way to prove that because he made it look like my car
was covered in them at pick-up. It's a 2008 for crying out loud!

While it worked out in the end, it was a fiasco and way more stressful
than it needed to be.