My experiance with Amerifreight

Don Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 11/17/2009 2:25:00 PM
I have never arranged a transport with a broker before so I was a little scarred of being ripped off or dishonesty. After talking with Arron and setting this up I was much more at ease with it.The first truck showed up rather quickly and unexpectedly, and the person who sold me the vehicle was unavailable to let the truch pick it up so it was left, but not the company or truckers fault. The next time ( a few days latter ) the truck called to make shure and showed up early.The drive wanted a bit more, but it was ok because it was an enclosed truck, and I was doing the econemy rate.It was picked up and delivered earley and in great condition, considering it was driving in tropical storm Ida !!! thanks to Arron and Amy, and Amerifreight for an great job !!! Don