Car transport

Jaclyn Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 8/2/2024 10:57:00 AM
We were moving out of state and so many things went wrong for us. The sale of our house fell through 10 days before closing so everything got put on hold. Amerifreight was amazing with keeping my updated and letting me know they still have all my info on file that i just needed to say the word and they would get my car booked for me. 2 months later our house sold again so i contacted Amerifreight and it was so painless. They had a carrier for me right away. My car was picked up and shipped and got to its destination from AZ to AL in 2 days. Everything went as planned and am extremely happy with the service provided. We’ve shipped a car before and it did not go as smoothly as Amerifreight. Highly recommend!