I've used Ameri-freight car transport brokers to move family car several times and always satisfied about the care and attention they give you. They make sure the contracted driver is doing what they promised and follow up with you each step of the way to make sure your being taken care of. Hats off to my latest rep Ali Miller for the excellent service!
Consumers Be aware Some drivers will bid up the cost like mine did 0- and yes they may have good reason but if your not in a hurry let it stand on the boards for few more days and see if you get more bids. Now uit will be up to the broker to get those bids to you. I trust Ameri-freight as one of those
I paid 975 per car (yeah ok that was 2 years ago and it was still the avg rate (gas/diesel were way down in this Jan 2015 form 2 yrs prior )
My driver bid 1075 - I wasn't in a hurry for the car, but just want to get it done so I accepted it He delivered door-to-door as promised, kept us apprised of his locale and ETA and delivered the car undamaged. So yeah I didn't feel the 100 bucks so much. Honestly I know those trucks take expensive maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc I would like to hear from carriers what expenses and the dnagers they go thru on a coast to coast run and let consumers know they are getting value for the money.
PS- No incentive was offered or taken to post this comment. I was pleased to do it for Ameri-freight.
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