
Ron Hoeft Submitted this review about Alpine Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 9/16/2013 8:17:00 PM
I feel I should have been kept up to date more often on when the car was going to be picked up. Then after it was picked up there would have been days with out knowing if I hadnt called to find out the stasis of this transport.
I have used this company a total of four (4) times,two open and two enclosed.I will use them again if the need ever comes up.
Please try and keep the owner more informed as to the location and time and place their car is located durning its move.

Company Response
Mike from Alpine Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/24/2013 11:39:00 AM
Ron, Thank you for your positive words. I do agree that the communication was not the best by the driver. I will argue that pick up and delivery with in a 10 day period over a holiday weekend and a 2500 mile trip is a very timely service. 4 stars on the communication and 5 on the promptness would be a more fare assessment. I do believe that the car was picked up in a reasonable amount of time and also delivered with in the 5-7 days as discussed. Especially over the Labor day Weekend. We always appreciate your business and yes, the customer is always right at the end of the day. Feel free to call or e-mail anytime. Thank you.-mike P.S. Always appreciate the support of the Wounded Warrior Project. Thank you. 800-735-6602