Quote Changes

Gene Griffith Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 2/11/2007 12:35:00 PM
My first price quote was $725, When I scheduled the pickup two days later they changed the price. I was then told it was a computer software change. My second quote was $810. When the truck got there to pick it up they couldn't because it would take up two spots. Now for a company that transports vehicals they should know by now, how many spots a pickup will take up. Their pull down menu says extended cab pickup, their info page says that trucks weigh more than cars, why can't they give you an accurate quote. Well I finally got the truck to MN for an extra $140. I was warned by other shipping firms that this was going to happen with this company and it did.

Company Response
Rebekah A from Agape Auto Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/15/2007 12:01:00 PM
First I want to apologize for the experience that you feel you have had with our company. We try our best to make everything clear on every transport but it seems there was a misunderstanding. Gene, remember when you called us to verify your quote because you had received an automated quote? When we verified the info submitted it was incorrect and so we had to give you a new quote. That was why the price went up, because it actually wasn't quoted right through the automated online system. When we took your order neither we nor you knew that the vehicle you bought had a really long (longer than normal) bed on it. So when the driver went out to get it he couldn't fit it on his carrier. Remember when we called you this was all news to you, you didn't know that the bed was so long. So then we had to assign another carrier quickly that had two spots open to fit the vehicle because it was extra long. In the terms and cond's it says that if the vehicle is not what we thought it to be when the original quote was given then the price could change. Well we verified that this was going to be ok with you and you said yes so we sent out the new carrier promptly to get it picked up. We were really shocked to see that you posted this review as a bad rating because we thought we were all in the understanding of what happened. I again am sorry that you had this experience we always try our best to make every situation a great one. Please accept our apologies, and thank you for your business.