After reading reviews on this site, I was a bit concerned about the transport. I chose Agape because they said they are a Christian-based organization and I like to support those organization, when possible. Doesn't guarantee any better service, but I like to think their business ethics may be an key attribute. I was surprised that both Agape and the trucking service met or exceeded all of my expectations. Car was picked up less than 24 hours after I ordered the service (I used the bargain 1-7 day pickup and did not pay for the accelerated option), and then delivered to me at the front-end of the stated window (5-7 days), and that was over a weekend. I chose a covered truck to avoid any potential rocks or debris. Agape and driver called me in advance to let me know that she would be there in 5 days, then called me again the morning of delivery to let me know she'd be there in 2 hours. Exactly on time, then handed me the keys. Was very happy with the results.
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