Submitted this review about AA Motocycle Transport Review made Live: 7/12/2013 1:26:00 PM
Unfortunately contracted with Aa Motorcycle Transport due to it's position listing when utilizing Google as the search engine. The contracting process was easy and smooth and a pick-up timeframe was established however, during that timeframe whoever was supposed to make contact 6 to 24 hours in advance never made contact. Okay, so I'm alright with an original oversight because it did fall over a holiday weekend. Upon this timeframe expiring I took the time out of a busy schedule to contact AA Motorcycle Transport, i was immediately made to feel as if I had been baited and switched by the company's representative. Originally the conversation was along the lines of the carrier only comes to the area for shipping at the end of each week but on this week it would be at the beginning of the week. Because I am an individual that actually has employment nowadays this timeframe did not fit my schedule which is typically booked and organized four to six weeks in advance, thus the reason for scheduling the original pick- up for the timeframe I was available - appear to be a common sense action to anyone? Long story made short, a re- schedule for pick up was scheduled. Once again, no contact, no phone call 6 to 24 hours in advance. Again take time out of schedule in an attempt to chase down AA Motorcycle Transport only to have the most unprofessional customer service representative attempt to provide insight, NOT. Finally had to chase down the actual shipping company my order is to be expedited through for somewhat of an explanation. I was told that they will call me the Monday following the weekend in an attempt to pick up the motorcycle...
In conclusion, AA Motorcycle Transport has completely missed the target with this customer. When asked if the order could be cancelled I was told that there would be a cancellation fee involved. Futuristically and what I have used multiple times in the past is a carrier that can be reached by phone and ONLY ships via payment due upon delivery of any such vehicle. Never would AA Motorcycle Transport be recommended nor should it ever be utilized by anyone expecting any type of value that you actually pay for. This has been an absolutely incredibly negative customer experience MAKE CERTAIN YOU ARE AWARE!!!
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