
Drake Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 12/1/2008 3:56:00 PM
I have used several auto haulers and i tend to have the same problem with the auto brokers. They want your money up front and make all gurantees then when it comes down to it the company does not come through. AAA was no exception empty promises. The only positive is the carrier that picked it up has no releation to them and provided wonderful service a true professional. don't be in a rush with these guys and keep your fingers crossed.

Company Response
Mark from AA Auto & Home Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/2/2008 11:10:00 AM
We do not charge money up front and did not charge Carson Drake our fee until we had provided him with a transport company. Mr. Drake’s pickup window was 11/20 through 11/26. His vehicle was dispatched for pickup 11/20-21. His transport company states that the vehicle was delivered 11/24. On 12/01 Mr. Drake stated to our Dispatcher that he was happy with the carrier and our ability to dispatch his order, he just hates paperwork and was not happy having to fax back the initial forms (his order and our Terms) so he placed this negative review.