Before agreeing to ship your car, you need to understand that you must be flexible with your dates. DO NOT plan a vacation around your car arriving or plan on having your car on the other end for any significant task. From what I learned about the whole autotransport business, is that you as a consumer are at the mercy of the carriers. Most of the business that you will find on this website are third party business that find space on local carriers.
That being said, I would recommend A1A to anyone looking to ship a car. Their customer service was excellent and they were prompt on the phone and providing a quote. You may experience college aged kids on the customer service side of things but they are useful at finding out the information for you and returning your calls. The downsides were the late pick-up (8 days after requested time) and overestimation on the delivery date. Because of these factors, that is why I recommend that anyone be flexible with their shipment dates. This is definitely not a scam and A1A is completely trustworthy.
My car was in the same condition as I left it. , although a little dirty from the road. The driver who dropped off my car was very kind and considerate.
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