A-1 Auto Transport is A-1!

KA Shortland Submitted this review about A1 Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/12/2005 4:57:00 PM
We're very happy with A1 Auto Transport. We possibly have a very unique set up in that we ship classic Austin Mini's from the UK to the US. An A1 driver meets our rep at a designated port (sometimes on the east coast and sometimes on the west coast), and after the cars have been released they're put into an enclosed hauler and they're driven to our garage for restoration before selling them on to collectors. It's a straightforward process and one that we're very happy with. The cars arrive in a timely fashion, the cost is reasonable and the drivers have always been terrific. A1 works well within our ever-changing parameters and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to ship their vehicles.

KA Shortland