There the Whole Way

Jimmy Watkins Submitted this review about 1st Choice Shipping
Review made Live: 3/12/2007 6:57:00 PM
I felt it necessary to take time to write you on another job well done. Over
the years we have used many transportation services and the one constant
success story has been your company. We are now pledging our allegiance to
your 1st Choice and will refuse to do business with any other transportation

The most important tool in any business is the phone. Pick it up when called
on, and call it in even if the news sucks. Even if you owe them money, pick
up the phone and let them know straight out. Your company gets this rule.
No one will ever accuse you of not being accountable, your company was there
the whole way. Even on Saturday. Thanks!

James J. Watkins

Posted by CAW Auth. #00007274