Kalub Chavez
Submitted this review about 1-2 Go 2 Transportation Review made Live: 12/29/2008 5:38:00 PM
I’ve been active duty military for the past nine years and excellence, reliability and honesty are attributes not new to me; Dwight and his colleagues at 1-2 GO 2 TRANSPORTATION provided nothing less but professional, reliable and FAST service. It took less than 30 hours for complete delivery. My vehicle was shipped into the United States from Europe and was required to be cleared through customs. Part of that process required 1-2 GO 2 TRANSPORTATION’S representative to complete a walk-around inspection with the Dallas processing center which takes well over two hours! 1-2 GO 2 TRANSPORTATION never complained.
I recommend 1-2 GO 2 TRANSPORTATION for anyone who has vehicle shipment needs anywhere in the United States. In addition, for those of us on Active Duty who require vehicle shipment, please don’t hesitate to give these guys a call.
Very satisfied customer... Kalub
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