Nice people but....

Sabine Submitted this review about 1-2 Go 2 Transportation
Review made Live: 9/11/2007 2:29:00 PM
Firstly i would like to say that I think that my experience was unique, and I am confident that 1-2go2 is certainly a good broker.
Here was my situation. I had several things going against me that made things difficult.
I purchased a car on ebay from a very difficult and impatient seller. The car was not runnning and the seller wanted to have the car moved asap. I explained that there was only so much anyone could do, and that the car would be moved asap.
On a wednsday I call 1-2-go-2 and placed the order for pickup,with the earlist available pickup the coming saturday. I was quoted $1050. By the following tuesday or wedsday there was still no word of a possible pick up and the seller was getting on my case. I called 1-2-go-2 and asked them what could be done. I spoke to Dwight and he was very kind and helpful and said that he would take $50 of his $150 broker fee and add it to the transport fee so that hopfully that would motivate a carrier to pick up the car. I then also decided to increase my fee by $50, because I was very anxious to have the car picked up.
Finally saturday morning(a week after the earlietst pickup date)I recieved a call from the trucker himself (1-2go-2 was not available because it was a weekend),stating that he would like to pickup the car sometime of Sunday. I asked for a time, he said probably about 2pm. I called and advised my crabby seller and they agreed that would be a good time. Sunday comes and the trucker calls and says he will be late. Probably 6pm. He then asks me if his truck will fit into the parking lot where the car is located. I answered "it should, from what I have seen in the pics it's a large lot". he said ok. 6pm,7pm no word, He calls again and says he will be there by 11pm at night!!!. (at this point the seller is having a MAJOR fit, I feel poweless and try to calm her down). 11pm comes and the trucker calls my seller and says he will be there in the morning. and asks what time is good for her? She told him that she has to leave for work by 8:30. He says he will be there at 7. 7 am and there is no sign of the trucker and he does not answer his phone. The seller loses it, and calls me and tells me that she is removing the license plates from the car and putting the keys in the glovebox. If the car is not gone by the time she comes home from work, she will have it towed and I will have to pay $100 a day for storage (what a neurotic nightmare lady). At 10am the trucker calls and says he is on his way to pick up the car, the seller is not home, but the keys are in the glovebox. I am relieved. THEN he calls me again and states that his truck will not fit into the lot (which is B.S.) and that it will be an extra $110 cash to have a tow truck tow the car to his hauler.(yes in desperation the night before I did tell him i don'r car if they have to get a tow truck get the car out of there, but charge me $110????). I say fine, but make sure you get me a reciept for the tow truck.
9 days later my car arrives (after I call the trucker and ask him where it is... he say's "OH yeah! I have it, I am back home in california, I will bring it in the next few days). The car arrived in good condition. No reciept for the tow truck.

This could have been worse, I did get the car in good condition, and although I ended paying more than I originally was quoted,the rate was not more than some other companies had quoted me.

Here is what I would have done different if I were 1-2-go-2.

They charged me a $100 broker fee.... In lieu of what happened with the carrier,I would have waived the $100 fee to compensate for the "towing"charge and problems. Although the towing charge was BS and I agreed to it, I was desperate to have the car moved and i felt like i had no choice.
Sometimes when you are in business in order to save the reputation of your company you have to eat profit here and there, even when you are not at fault. Although this is not a "bad" review per say, someone who reads this might decide to skip 1-2go-2 becuase of this review, and go elsewhere...
I chose 1-2-go-2 due to their glowing reviews and their friendly demeanor over the phone. I still think that they are very good, and certainly will give them another try.I just wished they would have handled this a little different.