4701 Old Canoe Creek Rd
Saint Cloud FL, 34769

QUser Question

Is my car insured while it being shipped?

Do I have to provide insurance or is it insured by your company?


Insurance coverage

At Skyline Moves, we understand the importance of protecting your vehicle during transportation. Your vehicle will be insured while it's being shipped, providing you with peace of mind and financial protection in the unlikely event of damage or loss.

You do not need to provide insurance for your vehicle during transportation with Skyline Moves. Insurance coverage is included as part of our transportation services, ensuring that your vehicle is safeguarded throughout the entire journey.

If you have any questions or concerns about insurance coverage for your vehicle during transportation, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. We're here to assist you and provide you with the information and support you need to ensure a smooth and worry-free transportation experience with Skyline Moves.

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posted on 4/10/2024 3:56:23 PM

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