1250 N. Lakeview Ave Suite #D
Anaheim CA, 92807

Other companies that have used or are using this MC number.
State 2 State Auto Transport

QUser Question


Car, Keys and Bill of Lading is all it takes!

When transporting a vehicle our carrier will need the car, keys and a filling in Bill of Lading (BOL) which are either a paper form or an electronic app filled in.  The client is not required to show evidence of ownership or registration.  It is highly recommended that if this a vehicle purchase you ask the seller to mail you any important documents certified mail.  A car that is shipping with our carrier is insured from the time of pick up to delivery inspection and signature from the receiver. (Standard Insurance is included with our company check with any transport company to confirm it is offered at no additional fee).  It is important to keep insurance on a vehicle during transport so that when a car has been delivered you are able to immediately use and drive off with the car.  Once you have inspected the vehicle delivered transport insurance ends.

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