Malia's great!

Bob McCall Submitted this review about Auto Shipping Group LLC
Review made Live: 10/9/2015 6:54:00 PM
I have shipped a few high-end vehicles with different brokers and found that Malia always exceeds my expectations and I will always recoomnend her for shipping vehicles.

Call Malia on 360-214-3671. She works from home and is always available.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Auto Shipping Group LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/11/2015 5:22:00 PM 360-214-3671 - For excellent service, and competitive rates please call or email me. A+ Accredited with the BBB, and highest rated on Transport Reviews. After eight years of being with Auto Shipping Group I have successfully shipped thousands of vehicles with very satisfied customers. If you don't call me today I can't save you any money. $$$$$$ - Bob my friend, you are awesome. Thank you so much for the kind review. Call me anytime. Malia